Quality Performance Improvement

EMS and OHSAS Overview: Understanding and Its Application

Training Synopsis

This training is designed to efficiently integrate EMS and OHSMS into one, as both sharing common clauses and procedures.


Learning Objective



Target Participants

Course Outline

Training Certificate

Why Us?


It is more efficient to integrate EMS and OHSMS into one, as both sharing common clauses and procedures. Considering it is easy to simplify the implementation when both system is combined.

Rather than have parallel (duplicate) Manuals and other documentation we note where the user can just incorporate the OH&S and EMS requirements to the EHS Manual, procedures and instructions.

Learning Objective

By the end of the training, participants would be able to:

  1. Good understanding of occupational health and safety assurance system and Environmental Management System.
  2. Identify common grounds between EMS and OHSAS system for better implementation.
  3. Benefits and Incentives of Integrated Programs.
  4. Challenges and Hurdles Overview of OHS & EHS legislative requirement and their typical application


2 days (9.00am to 5.00pm) or duration proposed at quotation.


Training session includes classroom lecture, exercises, group work and discussion.

Target Participants

Top management, Managers, Executives, Engineers, Supervisors, those who involved in HSE implementation, Safety and Health Committee, Safety and Health Officer etc.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Integrated OHSAS & EMS
  2. OHSAS MS overview
  3. EMS Overview
  4. Common Principals of OHSAS & EMS
  5. HSE Legal legislations and compliance
  6. Benefits of implementation of integrated HSE system.
  7. Identifying integrated HSE programs.
  8. Challenges and hurdles and their typical application

Training Certificate

Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who fully participated the training and satisfied the attendance requirements.

Why Engage aNTS / Peplow-Warren?

Peplow-Warren Consultant Team is formed by a group of experienced sector expert, certification auditors, consultants and industry practitioners. They actively involve in international standard and specifications development by acting as active ISO and MOSTI Technical Committee Member. They carry a common mission: they are willing to share their good knowledge with current industry practitioners. Call us today for more detail. We are obliged to work together and grow your business.


Contact our Customer Care Hotline 012-713 3356 / 011-2128 4750 or email to ntsask@gmail.com / sales@peplow-warren.com for your best solution and offer.